Summary of Qualifications

by Donny Grover


This section will provide a concise overview of your qualifications as they relate to your Career Objective.

  • Emphasize those skills you have developed in terms of interpersonal, organizational, supervisory, etc.

Describe your duties, skills, responsibilities:

  • State your major accomplishments, achievements, skill area.
  • Start each with an action verb; try to keep each to 1-2 lines.
  • Use an asterisk (*), dash (-), or bullet (•) to draw attention to each statement.
  • Give specific results to show your qualifications.
  • List your most important accomplishments first.

Summary of Qualifcations – Real World Example

Experience in recruitment and staffing, benefits administration, project development and implementation, and workforce planning.

Professional experience includes competencies in the following areas: analytical thinking, client orientation, creative thinking, decision-making, problem solving, time management, leadership,interpersonal skills, oral communication, written communication, and computer skills.

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