How to Use your Dynamic Web Resume

by Donny Grover

How To – Use your Dynamic Web Resume

   Using your Dynamic Web Resume is very simple. When you apply to positions by email simply put in a note explaining how you have a Dynamic Web Resume and provide them with a link. That’s it. They have the option to stay with the paper resume or go to your DWR. Obviously, some “old school” employers will pass over the DWR, but in today’s business world most employers know their way around the internet and will be impressed by your DWR.

   More and more these days companies are using web forms to get information about their potential employees. They all have either a place for links or comments section. You simply put in your DWR link in either of these spots. Post your link anywhere you want people to see your resume: facebook, myspace, or LinkedIn are some great examples.Get your resume out there and let all your friends know about your Dynamic Web Resume. states, “At least 60% – some report even higher statistics – of all jobs are found by networking.” Please check out this great article on Job Search Networking by Alison Doyle.

How To – Insert Hyperlinks for your Web Resume

How To – Customize Your DWR Link

   Another great function of our DWRs is the ability to customize your link so you can set specific sections to be open when a potential employer visits your DWR. You already learned how to make a hyperlink and send it through email now you can customize that link. First, go to your DWR and set it up the way you want. In the example I have the “Education” tab open.

Normal URL Donald Grover Web Resume

Education URL Donald Grover’s Education

   Simply, put the second URL into your hyperlink.
The viewer sees no difference in the hyperlink but when they visit your DWR the Education section will be open already. This is great when applying to jobs where you feel your education or a specific experience will be what they are looking for. You can subliminally highlight a certain aspect of your DWR.

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